Chinese Ethnic Groups .. What Are The Most Famous?


Chinese Ethnic Groups are so many in China. In fact, native Chinese form only 20% of the whole population.

In addition, there are about 55 other ethnic groups living with them. So we are going to mention the most famous Chinese groups in this article.

A Brief History of the Chinese Ethnic Groups

Many ethnic groups live in China, and they have special history and culture. as a result, each group has different customs, festivals and habits that attract tourists.

The most popular minorities live in The Republic of China, especially in the countrysides which have beautiful nature. Therefor, their areas are considered as a great destination for many tourists who want to know about the cultures of these groups.

Tibetan, Manchu, and Uyghur groups are famous for a distinguished ancient architecture. Also, groups like Zhuang and Yao are famous for beautiful fields.

Chinese Ethnic Groups
Chinese Ethnic Groups

So, here we mention the most common ethnic groups in China:

Chinese Ethnic Groups – Zhuang

It is one of the biggest ethnic groups in China with a population of 18 million people living in the South and the southeast of China. Guangxi is considered the main habitat of this ethnic group and also the Yunnan province. Additionally, some of them live in Hunan, Guizhou and Sichuan.

Chinese Ethnic Groups – Mongolians

the Mongolian ethnic group is very popular and there great empire has an ancient history that dates back to 1000 years ago. The Mongolian emperor Liwan’s rule continued more than 100 years until 1368.

However, the number of the native Chinese in this group is about 6 million. And most of them live in the inner Mongolian provinces, Jilin, Heilongjiang and Liaoning besides the provinces of Xinjiang, Hebei and Qinghai.

Further, the Mongolians like meat dishes as well as fighting and horse riding.

Chinese Ethnic Groups – The Hui

The Islamic Hui group is the lest spread ethnic group in China. Thus, its population is only about 11 million.

They live in Ningxia, which is a self-governed area in the north west of China near many countries and cities in the Gansu, Xinjiang and Qinghai provinces, as well as Hebei, Henan, Sichuan, Yunnan and Shandong.

Generally, the Hui group members like Lanzhou noodles which is a famous dish in their kitchens.

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Chinese Ethnic Groups – Miao

People who belong to Miao ethnic group are about 10 million. On the other hand, their main habitat is the area that surrounds Guizhou. They are interested in silver so much. So, the women in this group always wear silver jewelry and suits.

They love music as well and they also cares so much about their extraordinary architectural pattern which attracts many tourists around the world.

Chinese Ethnic Groups – Dong

The main habitat of this group is in Guizhou, Hunan and Guangxi provinces. This means that they are the neighbors of Miao which centers in Guizhou. Their language is related to the Thailand language.

This group is interested in music. So, the members of this group have many musical parties and events continually.

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Other Ethnic Minorities In China

Chinese ethnic groups include many ethnic minorities, for example:

  • Uyghur ethnic group: which is the largest ethnic group in Xinjiang.
  • Manchu ethnic group.
  • Tibetans: The members of this group are the descendants of the powerful empire that ruled from the 7th to the 9th centuries.
  • Yao ethnic group.
  • Naxi ethnic group and it is a small group.

In conclusion, China is a very rich country and we tried to mention the most important ethnic groups there. For more information, we invite you to browse the section (Life in China) .

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